Chapter 323: Hard to Understand

Noticing that Lin Xue and Li Keke were quite interested, Chen Feng quickly found Lin Xue's eyebrow pencil and a white sheet.

Next, Chen Feng spread the sheet out, looked at Lin Xue, and asked with a smile, "If I were to give you a painting now, what would you want it to be?"

"I would like a peach blossom."

Lin Xue answered without hesitation.


Chen Feng said with a smile.

Then, Chen Feng began to draw.

He used the eyebrow pencil, but after the pencil was put to paper, the peach blossom petals he drew turned out to be pink.

This bizarre scene surprised both Li Keke and Lin Xue.

"That's so strange, shouldn't an eyebrow pencil drawing be a different color?"

Li Keke's eyes widened in astonishment.

Lin Xue was also surprised.

Chen Feng continued drawing, offering no explanation.

Two minutes later, hundreds of peach blossoms were drawn on the white sheet.

"Xue'er, touch it."

Chen Feng said with a soft laugh.
