Chapter 328: Kneeling Down

Wu Jie's sudden plea for reunion through kneeling confused everyone present.

Even Chen Feng was taken aback.

The whole room fell silent, waiting to see how Su Xin would respond.

Clearly, Su Xin also hadn't expected this. After snapping back to reality, she spoke in a serious tone:

"From the second you broke up with me to be with that other woman, we were done once and for all. Now, you owe me nothing, and I owe you nothing. From here on, we should avoid interfering in each other's lives."

"Xinxin, don't do this to me. Our love of two years, I can't believe you can just let it go like that."

Wu Jie wouldn't give up.

"Leave. Don't disgust me. Are you trying to weasel your way back into my life because I've received over a hundred thousand? I won't fall into your trap again. I no longer love you, not one bit."

Su Xin said indifferently.

A woman in love might be irrational, making sacrifices that normal people can't comprehend.