Chapter 342: The Female Demon

Chen Feng could only shake his head and smile upon watching Li Keke's actions.

He carefully extricated Li Keke's hand from his arm and then positioned her long legs back onto the bed.

Just as he was about to complete the final step, Lin Xue walked in with take-out food, just in time to see Chen Feng putting down Li Keke's leg.


Lin Xue was taken aback.

"Don't get me wrong," Chen Feng hurriedly explained, "She was just…"

He quickly elaborated the situation to Lin Xue!

"I knew it!" Lin Xue said. "Keke doesn't keep still when she sleeps. Anyway, let's eat now."


Chen Feng nodded.

Lin Xue proceeded to open all the take-out boxes, which filled the room with a savory aroma.

"You should eat something too."

"I've already eaten. Besides, I need to lose some weight." Lin Xue rested her chin in her hand, watching Chen Feng eat.

"You're just fine, no need to lose weight,"

Chen Feng said, laughing.

"Really? What's so good about it?"