Chapter 425: I Don't Lack Money

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, Wang Xiaocao and her mother were stunned.

Neither of them expected that Chen Feng would say such words.

"Brother Feng, the money for building a house isn't a small amount, even if you could really lend it to us, we wouldn't be able to pay it back within a year or two."

Wang Xiaocao said in a low voice.

"Xiaocao, it was fate that allowed us to meet in the market. Just tell me how much money you need and I'll lend it to you. As for when you can pay it back, it doesn't matter, you can pay me back when you are well off. If you worry that I may press you for repayment midway, we can draw up a contract," Chen Feng said softly.

"Brother Feng, why... why are you being so kind to us?" Wang XiaoCao's eyes reddened with emotion.

"Isn't money supposed to be used to help people? Xiaocao, if I didn't help you, your mother might have committed suicide today, and I wouldn't be able to stand by and watch that happen."