Chapter 444: Chose the Wrong Target

Chen Feng was kicked, but he wasn't angry at all.

He moved closer to Yun Xiaoxiao, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Although Yun Xiaoxiao was pregnant, her waist was still beautiful and enchanting.

It was hard for Chen Feng to suppress a little impulse!

Yun Xiaoxiao was very sensitive and sensed the abnormality, so she slapped Chen Feng and warned: "We agreed before that you can't get out of line. Be careful or I'll really kick you off."

"Ehe, I won't, I promise." Chen Feng gave a dry laugh.

"Hehe, men."

Yun Xiaoxiao scoffed.

Chen Feng held Yun Xiaoxiao, this time daring not to make any more moves.

Unknowingly, they both fell into a deep sleep.

When Chen Feng woke up, the sun was high in the sky.

He stretched, feeling refreshed like never before.

"Xiaoxiao, time to get up and wash, let's go for breakfast."

Chen Feng patted Yun Xiaoxiao's buttocks.

Yun Xiaoxiao casually held onto Chen Feng's arm, her sleepy eyes blurry. "Can I sleep a little longer?"