Chapter 459: Necrosis

Chen Feng paced slowly, stopping in front of Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan looked fearfully at Chen Feng.

"Brother Chen...I'm sorry."

Zhou Yan bowed her head in apology.

She was truly terrified at this moment.

The man standing before her was beyond normal comprehension.

"You think it is enough with just bowing your head? Believe it or not, I can make you disappear silently from this world?"

Chen Feng's gaze was icy cold.

Zhou Yan was scared and trembled, bowing repeatedly and apologizing time and again.

Brother Long and the others were also shivering with fear, not daring to act arrogantly anymore.

"Brother Feng, you wouldn't really kill her…"

Wang Xiaocao stopped mid-sentence.

"Say what you want to say." Chen Feng said to Wang Xiaocao.

Wang Xiaocao took a deep breath and spoke softly: "Brother Feng, let it go. I hope she will reflect on her actions after this incident and not seek petty revenge anymore."

"I won't dare, I really won't."