Chapter 519: Don't Even Think About Escaping

Not long after, Chen Feng and Yue Xiaoqian returned to the palace.

By this time, it was already past midnight. After sending Yue Xiaoqian to bed, Chen Feng returned to his own room. However, he did not go to sleep but put the space ring that belonged to him on his finger and began to examine it closely.

Following the method taught by Tuoba Zhen, Chen Feng used his blood to claim ownership of the ring.

When a drop of blood fell on the ring, a magic event took place.

The space ring emitted a faint white light, and then, it seemed to Chen Feng that a virtual space had appeared around him.

This space was clearly not in reality, but it gave Chen Feng the illusion as if it were.

Chen Feng took out his mobile phone and casually threw it in.

The ring emitted a ray of light and swallowed up the mobile phone.

With a thought from Chen Feng, the mobile phone instantly reappeared in his hand.