Chapter 533: Show-off Senior

After Chen Feng took Liu Chun back to their room, he helped Liu Chun exercise her long legs all night.

The next day, Liu Chun couldn't get up, so she called her manager to cancel all her commitments.

Her manager didn't understand: "Chunchun, if you cancel like this, people may get a bad impression of you."

"Then you find a way to solve it, I know you can handle it."

Liu Chun was sprawling lazily in Chen Feng's arms.

"But... why do you want to cancel?"

Her manager was completely confused.

"Last night my boyfriend pulled me to a martial arts practice, and we overdid it. Understand?"

"What? Practice... martial arts? Overdid it?"

Her manager was shocked.

"Can't I practice martial arts?"

"Hah, you are refreshingly unconventional! Okay, okay, I get it. I'll cancel for you now."

The manager chuckled and hung up the phone.

"Chunchun, people say they are up all night studying the script, but you're practicing martial arts, you are really refreshingly unconventional."