Chapter 538 Threatening Letter

Upon hearing this, Lin Xue drew in a deep breath, her heart racing with nervousness.

This was the first time she had witnessed Chen Feng kill someone in person.

Knowing that she was frightened, Chen Feng held her close, saying softly, "Xue'er, if you want to be a part of my world, this kind of thing will happen often. You need to accept it, understand?"

"Brother Feng, I understand."

Agreeing with a series of nods like a bashful chicken pecking at grains, she added, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I slowed you down. If I were stronger, I wouldn't have been kidnapped."

"That's why, you should strive harder in your cultivation. Now do you see how important it is?"

"I get it now, Brother Feng, I will cultivate diligently."

"Good to know, don't waste such a great talent for cultivation."

While speaking, Chen Feng put his palm on the black off-road vehicle.
