Chapter 540: Hall of Law Enforcement

Chen Zhan, with a head full of white hair and wrinkles all over his face, but his eyes were clear and bright. They were like two undying divine lights, staring at Chen Feng, extremely emotional.

Chen Feng was also sizing up Chen Zhan, the old man was a high-level cultivator, a Demi True God.

"My good grandson, hahaha, handsome, truly handsome, hahaha, much more handsome than that bastard Chen Polu."

Chen Zhan laughed heartily, the laughter ringing far and wide.

"Ahem, I like that compliment."

Chen Feng couldn't help but grin.

"What Grandpa says is always sincerely true, come, Grandson, let's go in."

Chen Zhan ushered Chen Feng into the palace.

But Chen Feng casually brought Qingluo into the palace as well.

Because Chen Feng was a bit scared to face Chen Zhan alone.

"What did you bring me here for?"

Qingluo glared at Chen Feng.

"To accompany the two of us."

Chen Feng grinned.

"Yes, Qingluo, please sit."

Chen Zhan spoke.
