Chapter 562: Picking a Gift

"No more, Sister Wu, I don't want it anymore."

Leopard quickly waved his hands in refusal.

A few tens of thousands of yuan meant nothing to him, his main purpose of coming here was to claim Wang Xiaocao for himself.

But right now, preserving his own life was the priority.

"You must take the money. We can spare that amount. Proceed as originally planned."

Chen Feng said sternly.

"Alright, big brother, I'll do as you say."

Leopard hastened to comply.

"Give me your bank account number, I'll transfer the money to you," Chen Feng said.


Leopard hurriedly recited his bank account information and his name.

Chen Feng promptly transferred sixty thousand yuan to Leopard, then said coldly, "Scram, don't let me see you guys around here again, or I'll take you down."

"Yes, big brother, we definitely won't dare to come back, big brother, we'll leave now."

Leopard nearly crawled away.

His gang, too, sighed heavily and slunk off behind him.