Chapter 568: Rise

Chen Feng swept a glance at Old Sir Wu, and noticing that the old man was still kneeling in what seemed like fear, he sighed quietly and reached out to help him to his feet.

Despite everything, this old man was still Wang Xiaocao's grandfather, and therefore his own as well. For his grandfather to kneel before him, didn't seem right.

But perhaps, Chen Feng might have to kneel before Old Sir Wu as well!

"Old Sir, there's nothing to forgive or not forgive, he who is unaware is not guilty,"

said Chen Feng with a slight smile.

Upon hearing this, Old Sir Wu heaved a long sigh of relief, but he was still very nervous as he asked cautiously, "So, you really are Xiaocao's boyfriend?"

"Yes," Chen Feng nodded with certainty and said, "Xiaocao is my queen. If anyone looks down on her, or her family, they are looking down on me, Chen Feng."

Upon hearing these words, Wu Changyong and the others were frightened to their souls.

This was a naked warning from the Northern King.