Chapter 580: The Discovered Secret

With such doubts, Chen Feng started to think rapidly.

Meanwhile, Little Xu kept on chatting, going round the topic until she eventually asked why Chen Feng intended to visit Qi Tong's house.

"Just to have a look."

Chen Feng answered casually.

"I don't think we'll find anything at Qi Tong's house, what if we didn't go?" Little Xu asked tentatively.

"We must go." Chen Feng insisted.


Little Xu nodded.

"Let me know when we get there. I'm going to take a nap." Chen Feng said.

"Um, alright."

"Drive more slowly."

Chen Feng suggested before closing his eyes.

After driving for a few minutes, Little Xu glanced at Chen Feng and, noticing that he seemed to be asleep, she let out a sigh of relief and reached for her phone.

The moment Little Xu reached for her phone, Chen Feng sensed it immediately.

Although Chen Feng couldn't use mana, his perception was unimpaired. It was impossible for him not to notice any activity at such a close distance.