Chapter 582: Strange Ways of Recovery

With Qi Tong's resignation and concession, the rest of the matter became relatively straightforward.

Chen Feng personally oversaw the implementation, and within a couple of hours, all was settled.

With robust evidence, the condemnation from outside all fell on Qi Tong.

For a while, Qi Tong was swallowed up by various harsh insults.

However, for Qi Tong, this was the best possible outcome.

If his ongoing affairs with a mistress had been leaked, it wouldn't be only society that would ostracize him, but also his own family.

No event causes more despair to an elderly man than the loss of his family's care and love.

Chen Feng had thought about pushing Qi Tong to this point.

But upon further contemplation, he decided against such an idea.

Qi Tong was already old, half of his life already buried in the ground. There's no meaning in pressuring someone like that.

Meanwhile, within the company, Xu Ying turned in her resignation.