Chapter 606: Threat

As soon as Chu Yiren spoke, Lei Hong's face changed.

"Is it because Chen Feng is the CEO of Yueshi that you won't marry anyone else? Chu Yiren, I didn't expect you to be that kind of woman."

Lei Hong gritted his teeth in anger.

Chu Yiren's face grew cold at his words, "Lei Hong, watch your tone."

"Do you deserve my respect? I have been interested in you for a full half-year, and this is how you treat me. Do you think you're entitled to my respect?"

"Get out."

Anger rose in Chu Yiren, her face icy cold.

"You dare to tell me to leave?"

"Get lost." Chu Yiren retorted without a shred of courtesy.

"Chu Yiren, in that case, don't blame me."

Suddenly, Lei Hong drew a razor-sharp dagger from his pocket and lunged at Chu Yiren.

Chu Yiren's face turned pale as she scrambled backward.

But Lei Hong closed in on her, his dagger now pressing against Chu Yiren's throat.

"Try to move, and I'll kill you instantly," he threatened.

Lei Hong's voice was firm.