Chapter 618: Let Me Be Honest

Bai Zhongtian's face reddened, he was too afraid to breathe.

Not until Chen Feng withdrew his aura.

An aura is an inexpressible power, invisible and intangible, but truly exists.

"Mr. Chen, whatever punishment you wish to give me, just say it, I... accept."

Bai Zhongtian bowed his head.

In Nancheng, the number of people who could make him bow his head could be counted on one hand.

And now, Chen Feng was one of them.

"I do not want to say much, resign from your position as a school director at South University. You can come to me regarding the money you invested," Chen Feng said indifferently.


Bai Zhongtian immediately nodded his agreement, not daring to oppose, even though the position of school director had elevated his status. He had to let it go under the circumstances.

Offending a real King of this era was something Bai Zhongtian could not afford.

"Brother Bai, why are you..."

Yan Jun couldn't understand and stared at Bai Zhongtian.