Chapter 622: Is it Fun?

"These few days, Xiao Ling is really lucky, I can't seem to meet anyone as handsomely charming as you. Ah, I'm fated to be forever single."

The girl sighed sadly.

"Xiao Die, don't you dare try to steal my boyfriend."

Yan Ling blushed as she approached them.

She might be fooling around, but her gaze has not strayed from Chen Feng.

"I am not."

Xiao Die laughed.

"I'm glad to hear that. Brother Chen, do you want to sing a song? It'll be a solo, we won't cut you off."

Yan Ling looked at Chen Feng, and then, Yan Ling turned the music off, creating a rare moment of silence.

"Forget it, I'm tone-deaf." Chen Feng said.

"Come on, sing a song. It's fine if you're tone-deaf, the most important thing is to have fun. You're not going to deny your sweetheart this tiny request, are you?" Yan Ling looked at Chen Feng pleadingly.

Chen Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry at her coquettishness.

"Alright, I'll sing one song then." Chen Feng said.