Chapter 626: Guest of Honor

Faced with the shock of the Shen family, Chen Feng remained calm.

"Old man, it's naturally impossible for regular doctors to figure out the root of your illness. Fortunately, I'm not a regular doctor."

Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Do you... do you have a cure?"

"Of course." Chen Feng nodded.

Upon hearing this, Shen Wanfeng was overjoyed, "Hurry, prepare a billion, no, two billion for Doctor Chen."

Chen Feng was left speechless, having money really boosted one's confidence, he was mentioning two billion right off the bat.

But he didn't lack money!

"You really shouldn't, old man, I don't need your money. I'm going to treat you for free, and there are two reasons for it."

Chen Feng waved his hand, smiling.

"What are the two reasons?" Shen Wanfeng was curious.

Two billion, and he refused?

Chen Feng laughed, "The first reason is that I'm very good friends with your granddaughter, Shen Fei. The second reason is that the Divine Doctor Xiao you mentioned earlier is my master."