Chapter 645: Proposal

Yan Qingwu, Lin Xue, and Shen Fei glanced at each other, all of them filled with confusion over the strange dreams.

Chen Feng didn't know whether these dreams were a revival of their memories.

"It's fine, don't overthink it. Let's go to class."

Chen Feng joked.

"Hmm, let's go inside together."

Shen Fei said sweetly.

"You guys go first, I'm waiting for someone." Chen Feng said.

Upon hearing this, the three girls realized that he was waiting for Zhuge Xiaoyu.

So, the three of them entered the schoolyard first.

Shortly after, Zhuge Xiaoyu arrived.

She had finally changed into a very urban-style white dress and a pair of heels. Her hair seemed to have been styled in a particular way. Overall, she looked tall and stunning. Her bust was particularly eye-catching and quite sexy.

"You... did you open your mind?"

Chen Feng was astonished.

"I want to blend into this world." Zhuge Xiaoyu said.

"So you spent all night playing with your cell phone?"

Chen Feng teased.