Chapter 682: Escape from Danger

After sealing Gu Weiwei's life force, Chen Feng picked her up and vanished from the scene in a blink of an eye.

This sight stunned those who had witnessed the car accident earlier.

"Where did they go?"

"Was that just an illusion?"

"Holy shit, how did they disappear in the blink of an eye?"

Many people rubbed their eyes vigorously, but they could no longer see them.

The truck driver's face turned pale, and after a stunned silence of more than ten seconds, he slammed on the accelerator and fled the scene at full speed.

Meanwhile, Chen Feng, who was holding Gu Weiwei, arrived at the peak of a deserted mountain outside the city.

On the mountain, Chen Feng laid Gu Weiwei flat on the ground.

Next, Chen Feng sat cross-legged, healing Gu Weiwei.

Weiwei's last ounce of life hadn't yet disappeared, she was hanging on by a thread.

In this state, even if she were taken to any hospital in the world and treated by the most skilled doctors, it would be impossible to save her.