Chapter 688: The Great Battle

Cao Zheng and his second senior brother knelt on the ground, their bodies trembling like sieves, and their faces pale.

Neither Cao Zheng nor his second senior brother had imagined that Chen Feng could be so strong, strong enough to make them despair.

"Esteemed friend, let's talk things over peacefully, first let me and my brother up."

The second senior brother spoke in deep voice.

"Do you think it's possible?"

Chen Feng increased the pressure, his face cold and aloof.

The second elder clenched his fist, struggling grimly.

Because if he didn't grit his teeth and endure, he felt like he might end up lying down like a dog.

"Esteemed friend, the elite warriors of our Qingyi Sect have arrived at this city. Although my master's realm is suppressed by the rules of this heaven and earth, his realm is still at the peak of True God. If you insist on being stubborn and not willing to reconcile, our Qingyi Sect might not be weaker than you."

The Second Elder threatened.