Chapter 693: You Are Shameless

Ye Qingqing covered her mouth in a light chuckle, radiant beyond measure.

Chen Feng watched Ye Qingqing without blinking, yearning to hold her tight and kiss her passionately.

"What are you staring at? Look away."

Ye Qingqing instantly wore a cold expression.

"My lady, I love your laugh."

Chen Feng was holding Ye Qingqing's delicate hand.

Ye Qingqing's face turned red: "Stop...stop messing around."

"Who's messing around with you? I really do like it."

"I'm not talking about this with you." Ye Qingqing shook off Chen Feng's hand, then said, "I bet Xuanyuan Po will come tomorrow, you deal with it. I'm going to bed."

Finishing her words, Ye Qingqing lay down and hugged little Lele to sleep.

Chen Feng laid down, intending to hug Lele too, but inadvertently wrapped his arms around Ye Qingqing.

"Where are you trying to put your hand?"

Ye Qingqing said, embarrassed.

"Ah, I was hugging Lele."

"Why are you touching my chest if you were hugging Lele?"

"Ahem, sorry."