Chapter 720: The First Deal

Listening to Murong Xue's words, Chen Feng became quite curious.

"What kind of business? You're not asking me to sell my soul, are you?"

Chen Feng was suspicious as he stared at Murong Xue.

"Of course not, selling your charm to others is enough," Murong Xue said shyly.

"Are you sick? Speak seriously."

Chen Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Alright, alright, I'll say it. I was thinking, considering your superb medical skills, why don't you open a medical clinic? You could specialize in difficult and complicated diseases. Trust me, those tycoons have numerous issues. You could make loads of money."

"Your idea isn't bad."

Chen Feng smiled.

"Let's do it then, I'll find a location for your clinic tomorrow. I have even thought of the name, 'Miraculous Hall'. Sounds pretty artistic, doesn't it?"

"Impressive. Ok, we'll do as you say." Chen Feng agreed with a nod.