Chapter 760: I am Your Dad

Under Long Qie's guidance, it only took Chen Feng ten minutes to arrive at a place that was merely 500 meters away from the Long family's villa.

Yet, Chen Feng halted at this spot.

"Brother Chen, I beg you, please let me go. As long as you spare me, I'll do whatever you ask me in the future, and I won't dare to have any ulterior motives," Long Qie whimpered, pleading for mercy.

Chen Feng ignored Long Qie and instead, he activated his mana to alter his appearance – a trick that wasn't difficult to perform in the God Realm.

The reason for his disguise was that Chen Feng wasn't ready to reveal the depth of his cultivation to the Long Family yet.

If the Long Family wanted to play, he would play along slowly. Chen Feng intended to make the Long Family disgorge all their ill-gotten wealth before he escorted some of them to their deathbeds, one by one.

Seeing Chen Feng changing his appearance, Long Qie became even more panicked.