Chapter 777: Chu Xun on the Run

Chu Xun felt that Chen Feng was an absolute rascal, unreasonable and incorrigible.

Little did she know, her two sisters were so envious that their eyes were turning red.

Chen Feng, the god, was not only handsome and unbeatable, but also a billionaire. This supreme man was rare to find even with a lantern. Now that he was delivered to her door, Chu Xun didn't want him. This was simply too cruel, too extremely cruel.

"Xunxun, why don't you just..."

"Stop it." Chu Xun wouldn't let her sister continue.

Then, Chu Xun stared at Chen Feng, seriously saying: "Don't think that because you have lots of money, can fight well, and are good looking, that I will have feelings for you, it's impossible."


Hearing this, Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh.

Chu Xun also knew that there were something wrong with her words, her face turned unbearably red.

"Laugh your ass off."

Chu Xun was angry.

"When do you get off work?" Chen Feng asked.

"None of your business."