Chapter 795: Little Monster

Chen Feng walked up to the elderly couple and greeted them.

Only when they recognized it was Chen Feng did they look momentarily stunned.

Immediately, Mother Feng gave them a warm smile. Without waiting for Lele to ask, she handed him a stick of candied hawthorns. Lele started to eat it happily.

"Is this little girl your daughter?"

Mother Feng asked tentatively.

"Yes, she is," Chen Feng nodded.

Upon hearing this, the elderly couple shared a glance, their eyes reflecting a hint of disappointment.

"How much for the candied hawthorns? I'll transfer the money to you both," Chen Feng said with a smile.

"No, no, it's just a stick of candied hawthorns. Get the kid to eat it, we can't possibly accept your money," Father Feng chuckled.

"Well, thank you. Lele, aren't you going to say thank you?"

"Thank you, Lele," Little Lele responded with a bow.

"What a clever child!"

The elderly couple couldn't help but start to take a liking to Lele.