Chapter 797: I Cannot Do It, My Lord

Chen Feng watched Ling Zhu walk away and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that their supposed chance meeting wouldn't have been possible.

Because at Chen Feng's level, if he intended to avoid Ling Zhu, there would be no such thing as a happenstance meeting.

But Ling Zhu obviously hadn't thought of that.

"Lele, let's go home."

Chen Feng held Lele in his arms.

"Daddy, that big sister we just met... should we tell mommy when we get home?"

"Er, what do you mean?"

Chen Feng was dumbfounded.

Had his daughter picked up tattling at such a young age?


Lele shook her head.

"Whether we tell her or not, let's go home now."

Chen Feng hailed a taxi with Little Lele and quickly returned to the Mansion of Longevity.

Upon arriving home, he was surprised to find that Ye Qingqing wasn't at work.

"You're not busy today?" Chen Feng asked Ye Qingqing.

"Busy doing what? You haven't come home for half a month. Can't I take a day off to talk to you?"