Chapter 809: Elder Xiao Reappears

Ye Qingqing received the call and quickly put down her work, rushing back to the Mansion of Longevity.

"Chen Feng, what's happened?"

Ye Qingqing burst into the room, very anxious.

Chen Feng was taken aback, then forced a bitter smile, "I told my parents it was nothing, but they still called you."

"Life force being devoured, how could that possibly be nothing? Do you realize the serious damage this could cause to your lifespan and how it could affect your cultivation foundation?"

Ye Qingqing was stern.

"It's not that severe for me; a few days of rest and I'll recover. It's the sword technique of the Qingyi Sect leader, the Six Paths Reincarnation Swordsmanship, that's truly extraordinary," Chen Feng said.

"I suspected as much," Ye Qingqing said. "In this whole world, the only technique that can devour a person's life force and harm you in the Imperial Capital is the Qingyi Sect leader Gao Jianghe's."

"You knew?" Chen Feng exclaimed in surprise.