Dream Seed Ensnaring Master

After this incident, Qiu Ren was officially hired by the Central Research Institute as an intern.

Even though he was just an intern, he had access to everything he wanted. On the Dream Dungeon construction project, the Central Research Institute was definitely willing to offer support to Qiu Ren whenever he asked for it.

After all, Qiu Ren had to raise two Lords of Nightmare and a Level S Dream Seed right now. If the three of them didn't eat enough, they might tear the entire city down.

Qiu Ren's "intern" status also allowed him to visit some classified facilities in the Central Research Institute.

These secret facilities included the place where the only Level SS Dream Seed in the Celestial Empire was located.

Qiu Ren was brought here by Director Lu as "a student he had great expectations for." Qiu Ren felt like Director Lu wanted him to know the truth about this world.

It was something he might not be able to learn in college.