Let's Do It

Qiu Ren's drawing skills really made it impossible for people to believe that he was just a first-year college student.

Director Feng Nian felt like he was comparable to the experts who specialized in drawing concept designs and character designs in the industry, the absolute top ones.

Qiu Ren's storyboards were gripping and dynamic.

Besides, as one of the top directors in the industry, Feng Nian could already imagine the scenes Qiu Ren wanted to present by just looking at the movie script and the slightly sloppy storyboards.

Director Feng Nian finished reading the entire script of "The Dark Knight" together with the storyboards. In the end, his gaze was fixed on the character, Joker, that Qiu Ren drew.

He remained silent for a long time before giving his comments on the script, "Qiu Ren… Let me be honest. This script may have surpassed all the other superhero movies we have right now. I'm a bit anxious because of this."