The Invincible Superhero

Paris… The Advent Film Festival set off a craze for traveling in Europe around the entire world.

Because on the film festival's opening day, the latest masterpieces of all dream media companies in the world would only be released in European countries.

As the capital of one of the few major countries in Europe, there had been a surge in the number of tourists lately.

The movie theaters in Paris were sold out. In a blink of an eye, the rush to buy movie tickets had spread all over Europe.

The tickets for a popular movie were hard to get. One of the most difficult to buy was the movie tickets for The Flash 2.

Even though the movie theaters in Europe had arranged as many screenings for The Flash 2 as possible, the tickets were still sold out in a heartbeat.

If it wasn't that Supernova Pictures had to ensnare those incoming Dream Seeds, they would have directly opened their Dream Dungeon to the public for people to watch the movie.