I'm Your Idol

It had been a long time since Jim was deeply invested in a movie. At the moment, he felt like his heart was being squeezed tightly by a hand.

When that diehard fan, who was wearing the merchandise shirt of the Flash and was still yelling "baby, I love you" a second ago, pointed the automatic rifle in her hands at the Flash sitting on the chair with a devastated look on her face…

Then, the Flash's painful begging and his whimpering were extremely clear in Jim's ears.

What Jim realized at this moment was that a person's support and love for their superhero could be so fragile.

But according to normal plot development, the current script should arrive at a turning point.

The normal development would be the Flash would survive and break free from the ties of the Joker, successfully taking him down and saving the fans. It would be a happy ending.