Threatening Weapon

Qiu Ren still hadn't had time to look at the development of Batman's popularity online. Director Feng Nian brought him back to the office of the movie theater again.

When Qiu Ren entered with Director Feng Nian, he thought he was in the prayer room of some church.

Many people were sitting in this small office. The ones Qiu Ren knew included the Dream Makers of the two movies the Celestial Empire released at the Advent Film Festival, "Ascension" and "Yajiao Spear."

Apart from them, there were also some unfamiliar faces. They seemed to be the French officials. This group of people looked so serious, as if they were about to hear a motion in the Congress.

"Why are we… gathering here?"

Qiu Ren found an empty seat and sat down. He glanced at Miss Mia Krato, who was sitting in the main seat, again.

As the manager of various movie theaters in entire France, she seemed to be the host of this special meeting.