Caught a Great Treasure

Herring was watching Qiu Ren's live broadcast. However, she was doing an important thing while watching it!

She led the remaining members of the Dream Eaters and Batman into the Nightmare Seed called "Black Mist."

"What the hell is going on with this place?"

Maine raised the giant hammer in his hand and smashed a monster made of shadows.

The interior of the Nightmare Seed of Black Mist didn't look like those… Nightmare Seeds that hadn't been constructed by a Dream Maker.

There was a complete ecosystem in this Nightmare Seed, with two critical parts. One was the soldiers of the Black Mist Army, and the other was the monsters made of the black mist.

Herring and her Dream Eaters had been encountering some small monsters ever since they sneaked into this Nightmare Dungeon. They finally arrived at the core position of the Nightmare Dungeon safely.