Favorite Heroes in Production

After seeing that their mother was safe, the Hidden Court Master and Alma were finally in the mood to sit down and talk to Qiu Ren.

It was just that the atmosphere of conversation made the Master very uncomfortable.

Qiu Ren had created a long table in the yard in front of the villa. He sat at the top of the long table while Tapir sat on his left, and the Flash and Falcon Huntress sat together next to Tapir.

The Hidden Court Master originally wanted to sit at the end of the other side of the long table, showing that he would never yield to Qiu Ren, this human, so easily.

And yet, their mother, Alaina, immediately sat on the right of Qiu Ren and started chewing the long table Qiu Ren made.

Alma, the Sharpshooter, also sat on the right to keep Alaina safe. The Master could only grunt and sit in the third seat on the right to Qiu Ren.