Watch, This Is How the Darkin's Power Is Used!

Interfering with the operation of the Dream Seeds in other countries was an unforgivable felony in any country.

However… some countries were most passionate about doing such a thing in the last four decades.

Qiu Ren didn't really care about it, though.

When Lion King, produced by a dream company in America, became a great hit overseas a while ago, it brought a little influence to their Great Sage. However, it was just a small deal. It couldn't harm the core of the Great Sage at all.

Why did the Gods and Supernova Pictures want to form an alliance with the Army this time?

"Let me think. There are basically just two ways to contaminate a Dream Seed into a Nightmare Seed…"

Qiu Ren had been a Dream Maker in this world for quite some time now.