Erlang Shen

Erlang Shen.

He was a character created based on Journey to the West, the Level SS Dream Seed of the Celestial Empire, or the incomplete prehistoric world.

The Dream Seed carrying him was extended from a Level S Dream Seed based on prehistoric times. He was one of the characters of the prehistoric world, apart from Jiang Ziya and the Monkey King.

Qiu Ren remembered that there were quite a lot of movies and drama series about Erlang Shen. The most popular one was a drama series that talked about his life journey, and it was where the original version of this character was created at the beginning.

However, Erlang Shen, who was supposed to secure the borders, keep peace within the country, and protect the people, was pointing his spear with three points and two blades… at someone who was probably his birth father, the Dream Maker who once participated in the production of the drama series "Erlang Shen."