You Can Make a Scene in the Heavenly Court, But You Can't Date!

Qiu Ren and the Great Sage started analyzing the current situation at the motel just like that.

Risor and Suri also calmed down and listened to Qiu Ren's analysis.

Since the Great Sage was the target the Army wanted to rope in, it would be much simpler for him to change sides and stop the Army's invasion plan.

It seemed that the Great Sage was really turning his coat right now.


"Resetting the personality and memory does save time and effort."

Qiu Ren sat in the bed in the motel as he looked at the record the Great Sage gave him with a terrified feeling.

In the 40 years since the immortals of the Heavenly Court were created, many of their personalities and memories had been reset due to nightmare pollution.

Just like Erlang Shen, who had wanted to live a normal life, his memory and personality had been reset twice.