Movie Screenings in North City University

Xia Lian had been busy with her graduation design lately.

Thanks to Qiu Ren, her resume while in university could be said to be perfect.

After being the screenwriter for the project of the Level A Nightmare Dungeon of "The Giant and The Little Bee," she helped with the construction of the Level S Nightmare Dungeon of "Dark Souls" as well.

Even though Xia Lian was just a bystander when she participated in the latter project, these two experiences were enough for her to be hired by any dream media company after she graduated.

However, Xia Lian had other ambitions. She wanted to adopt the Giant and the Little Bee.

Ocean Dream Media had recently undergone a huge change. The entire board was reformed, and the chairman of the board, Lin Jianhong, was dismissed.

This change also affected several Dream Dungeons under the company, and "The Giant and The Little Bee" was one of them.