Upcoming Expedition

Qiu Ren's invitation got everyone's response.

They had to come because Qiu Ren had hostages in his hands. In exchange, they requested that they must see the hostages when they visited.

Qiu Ren agreed to this request… So, there were quite a lot of people coming to the pre-war meeting this time.

"Welcome… to my realm."

Qiu Ren greeted the visitors with the ghost mask as usual.

Dream characters released by Qiu Ren were all back to their Dream Makers.

The research institute had sent Director Lu here. He was more like he was here to catch a student who made a mistake.

Qiu Ren also let Director Lu sit in the main seat without hesitation… When the Great Sage saw Director Lu, he became obedient like when he saw Tang Seng.

Director Lu was on Qiu Ren's side, but he didn't know what Qiu Ren wanted to do exactly. So, one of his purposes this time was to mediate between Qiu Ren and the hardliners of the research institute.