Guys? Your Wives Are Gone!

Qiu Ren was directly taken to the car… and was escorted all the way to the production company of "Blossoming Love."

The production company happened to be in Qiu Ren's city.

"We're here."

The person who drove Qiu Ren there was Zhao Yanqing. He stopped the car in front of an office building and glanced at Qiu Ren, who was checking messages on his phone, through the rear-view mirror.

"Thank you, Captain Zhao."

Qiu Ren put down the phone in his hands as two agents of the Dream Hunting Bureau outside the car opened the door. Qiu Ren directly got out of the car and looked up, gazing at the office building under the pattering rain.

Even though Qiu Ren was still wearing cuffs, none of the agents around him dared to go forward to touch him.

Qiu Ren was the most dangerous source of nightmare pollution in the world right now. Only Zhao Yanqing put his hand on Qiu Ren's shoulder to signal him to continue moving forward.