Trial - One

Suri received an invitation letter today, an invitation letter that was only sent to some of the powerful dream consciousnesses.

The title of the invitation letter was "Trial."

There was no signature on the invitation letter and the content was also very simple. "You're invited to try those reckless Dream Makers."

It certainly aroused Suri's great interest. Besides, she wanted to know Qiu Ren's situation and the state of the other world.

Suri accepted the invitation and participated in the trial using her avatar.

So, she returned to her homeland after a long time, the place where she was betrayed once, the Dream Dungeon of Dynasties located in the other material world.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that she was in the main hall of the secret society. She immediately saw Tapir, who also looked shocked.

"Why… are you here…"