Acquisition of Materials, Crazy Supplies

Restraining the expression on his face until he walked out of the small entrance and, after making sure that the people inside would not hear him, Su Mo could no longer maintain his expression and laughed unscrupulously.


A few pancakes, and a few iron axes and pickaxes, could be exchanged for a rare-level design blueprint. This trade may not be a loss for the other party, but for Su Mo it was definitely...

A bloody bargain!

"My goodness, a few units of iron plus a few units of wood, one or two catties of flour, and two fishes can be traded for a rare-level design blueprint. This feels..."

"More refreshing than opening treasure chests! Damn!"

At this moment, Su Mo finally felt the joy of being a capitalist. It was a useless item in the eyes of ordinary people, but its potential could be maximized to 100% or even 200% in the hands of Su Mo.