Horror! The End Of The Foreign Races!

Doomsday Calendar Month 3, Day 7. The fifth day of the tsunami disaster on the wasteland.

It was 7.26 am. Looking at the barrel full of hot water, Su Mo pulled off his shirt and slowly stepped into it after testing the temperature of the water with his foot.


The water was heated to almost 70 degrees celsius. Any ordinary being would be scalded for sure if they dipped themselves into it.

However, his body had been enhanced to a terrifying state and he had gained the title of Ocean Admiral. As such, Su Mo only felt a soothing sensation after undergoing a momentary psychological scare for a brief moment.

He picked up a towel, and dipped it into the bucket of cold water next to him before wiping it all over his face. Thanks to the cold sensation on his face, he felt the fatigue he endured after those two sleepless nights fade away.

Humans had less than 48 hours to prepare themselves for the war.