A Sweep Of Violence, A Brand New Territory!

At 8:40 pm, 20 minutes before the gates of Freedom City would be closed, Su Mo slowly made his way to the gate that he had come through on his first visit here.

Considering that he would be traversing 400 to 500 kilometers on his own this time, he had bought a Level 2 swift road lizard template before he left.

Furthermore, Su Mo did not conceal his purchase at all this time.

To an outsider's eyes, he obviously looked as if he was going on a long journey!

"Wow, it's so late now, yet Lord Harl is still going out. The wilderness hasn't been peaceful lately!"

"That's just it, a disaster will be arriving soon, but the b*stards outside still can't resist stirring up trouble!"

From far away, the two guards guarding the gates had their interest piqued when they saw Su Mo coming over. They quickly greeted him with smiles and flattery.

Wealth might not represent much to the highest level of hierarchy above the city guards.