Successful Exchange, Have I Seen You Before? Part 3

The resource exchange price list had more than 20 pages, and the content basically covered most resources that human beings would need in their daily lives.

Although some items had unusual prices, they were still reasonable in the doomsday wasteland.

After all, food was always the most sought-after item.

"Sir, please hurry and confirm your exchanges. The people outside have been waiting for a very long time. Please be more understanding!"

The guard outside knocked on the door, poked his head in and reminded them.

Everyone was only allowed five minutes to make an exchange and would get kicked out if they exceeded the time limit.

In the event that a customer wanted to continue the transaction, he would have to queue up again. 

However, ten minutes had passed since Su Mo entered, and the queue outside had grown to more than fifty people.

Seeing the crowd outside growing impatient, the guard had no choice but to remind him.