The Survival Game


It was just after three in the afternoon when sudden darkness came over the world.

"What's going on? Is it a total eclipse? I didn't hear about an eclipse happening today!" said someone during an ongoing conversation in a certain company.

"Forget the eclipse, get to work, or you'll have to work late again tonight!"

"Turn on the lights! Turn on the lights!"

Ye Jun's hand had just touched the switch; instantly, a powerful current hit him.

"This plastic switch can also leak electricity?"

"Guys? Where did everyone go?"

The last image in Ye Jun's eyes showed the entire office becoming illusory, then finally disappearing altogether.

"It's over! Must be a hallucination before death!"

Before losing all consciousness, Ye Jun thought, So what If I die?—My overtime working days are over.

Inexplicably, a mysterious voice sounded in his mind. "Ding! The player selected death mode, the game has officially started!"


A splash of water hit his face.

Ye Jun gave a start, instantly coming to his senses!

What is this place?

Ye Jun looked around in bewilderment!

There's water everywhere, both in front and behind me!

No, it's a vast ocean!

He knew this because he licked the salty seawater on his face.

How did I end up in the sea?

Ye Jun was filled with bewilderment, confusion, and fear.

He had a clear view of his surroundings by then.

Beneath him was a small raft, about three meters wide and five meters long, which was currently floating in the endless sea.

Are you kidding? Sailing on a raft?

What the hell is going on here? Wasn't I at work?

"Global Survival has started and the player is in death mode!"

A mechanical-like beep sounded; a virtual panel immediately appeared in front of Ye Jun.

It read:

'This is a game that boosts the survival abilities of the lower races in the universe.

'All Bluestars can choose a survival mode and are supplied with food and water for three days to begin their quest for survival.

'Quests can be completed, monsters can be killed, along with other activities during the survival rounds, all in order to earn upgrades and skills to become a powerful survivor and adapt to several dangerous environments in the universe.'

Ye Jun had a rough understanding that an unidentified power had digitalized the entire Bluestar, sending everyone to that game called Survival.

The game panel clearly described the various game modes.

"Island mode!"

"Wilderness mode!"

"Rainforest mode!"

"Desert mode!"

"Ice field mode!"

"Death mode!"

Each mode, in turn, could be divided into single-player and group modes!

Group mode, subdivided into three-player mode and five-player mode! (Reminder to players: watch out for your fellow players!)

The single-player mode was more dangerous but also yielded more experience and rewards when quests were completed.

When in multiplayer mode, you could help each other, but food and water were limited. When hungry, companions would often be more dangerous than beasts!

"Wait, can't you choose your game mode? Why did you send me to this death mode? Also, doesn't everyone get three days' worth of food and water? Where's mine?" Ye Jun shouted.

"The host has automatically selected death mode. No food nor water is provided when in death mode. However, as long as you can survive, the benefits surpass those obtainable in other modes. Have a nice life!"

Have a nice…

More like cry…

Was it because I thought I was dying of electrocution—that last line?

Ye Jun regretted in his heart. Better off alive than dead. I shouldn't have tried to act cool.

I'm sure I'd be able to put on a show with my skills if I would have picked wilderness mode or deserted island mode, with all my years of watching videos of Master Bear and Master Ed.

Now, well—death mode, a tiny raft swimming in the sea, even with the basic food and water… It's truly a dead-end.

"Let's see how the others play this game, maybe I can find a way to survive!"

Ye Jun opened the game channel; countless messages began to appear and expand.

"I've suddenly appeared in the wilderness with only three loaves of bread and three bottles of water. What will I do when I finish them?"

"I picked deserted island mode, how can I survive in this mode?"

"I have many years of outdoor experience and am selling wilderness survival strategies for one loaf of bread. Buy now!"

"Damn, you're too much; you want a third when we only got three loaves!"

"I've watched Master Bear's videos for many years and am proficient in wilderness survival—selling wilderness survival strategies for half a loaf of bread!"

"Can anyone tell me what to do in death mode? I have no food nor water right now and am in a tree with a lion just below it. Can lions climb trees?"

Surprisingly, there was another person who had chosen death mode like Ye Jun.

"Dude, you're awesome, daring to choose death mode—you're a real man!"

"Dude, I think you can sneak up behind the lion when he's not looking and do a sliding shovel attack…"

"Hey dude, let me give you a loaf of bread. Throw it as far as you can to make the lion go after it!"

"Do lions eat bread? What a joke!"

A flurry of messages swept across the channel, but the player with ID Death Mode 103 never replied again.

Gradually, the bantering messages on the channel also disappeared.

Everyone knew that the man had probably ended inside the lion's belly.

A heavy aura filled everyone's hearts.

Even though they had teased that player who had chosen death mode, how much better off could they be?

In reality—with modern pampered bodies plus food and water for only three days—they would be unable to last for three days with merely three loaves of bread.

What would happen after the three days passed?

Would they be like this brother, never being able to reply again?

"I don't want to play anymore, I'm so scared!" someone cried out on the channel.

"I should have chosen group mode. I don't know how to do anything… I can only wait to die after going through the food!"

"Me too. I thought I would be able to go everywhere after watching some of Master Bear's videos. Now I only feel afraid as I think about facing the deserted wilderness!"

Fear and sadness were spread throughout the channel.

It was then that everyone truly realized that it was different from everything they had ever played before. That game would kill people!

Ye Jun, in particular, had a sinking feeling in his heart.

Ye Jun's ID was Death Mode 001. The person who spoke earlier was Death Mode 103; this meant there were at least a hundred people who had chosen death mode, maybe even more. However, none of the other death mode players had said a thing; perhaps they had died as soon as they entered the game.

If nothing else, Ye Jun was no different from that player who had also chosen death mode.

He wouldn't last three days without food and water. Even if someone would be willing to give him food and water, he only had a small raft that could be tossed over by the sea currents at any moment!

Just then, a voice in his head suddenly was heard, making him feel both surprised and happy.

"Ding! The system has awakened upon sensing that the host is in a desperate situation! Fusion started: fusion progress 10%… 20%… 30%… 50%… 70%… 100%.

"The check-in system has been fused. The host can now receive random item rewards by checking in every day.

"Would you like to check-in?"

The system!

Sure enough, how can someone like me die so easily.

Ye Jun saw a glimmer of hope and said without hesitation, "Yes, check me in."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, successful check-in! Received a lighter!"

"Motherf**ker… What do I need you for…?"