Shark Hunting

In-game store!

It was symbolized by a gold coin.

After Ye Jun clicked on it, a dazzling array of items appeared on the screen.

There were all kinds of equipment, skill books, household items, and weapons.

Ye Jun casually clicked on the equipment section.

"Bronze Armor: 2200 copper coins!"

"Bronze Hammer: 2000 copper coins!"

"Silver Blade: 1000 silver coins!"

Hunting items:

"Ordinary Dagger: 200 copper coins!"

"Fishing Net: 500 copper coins!"

"Bow and Arrow: 800 copper coins!"

"Crossbow: 1200 copper coins!"

Food items:

"Bread: 10 copper coins/piece!"

"Ham Sausage: 10 copper coins/piece!"

"Watermelon: 100 copper coins/piece!"

Ye Jun clicked on the materials category.

"Ordinary Wood: 10 copper coins per cubic meter!"

"Fine Wood: 30 copper coins per cubic meter!"

Ye Jun searched for small merchant ships.

"Small Merchant Ship: 5000 silver coins. Merchant Ship Drawings: 1000 silver coins…"

Ye Jun shuddered in fear!

Even though he had picked up a few hundred silver coins, he still thought it was far too expensive.

Ye Jun calculated that to build a small merchant ship, it would take 1000 cubic meters of fine wood, or 30000 copper coins!

He now had 205 silver coins. If all of them were converted to copper coins, he only had around 20000 copper coins, which wasn't even enough to buy the required amount of wood!

It was too expensive!

Ye Jun had thought that he was relatively rich, but now it seemed that he was still poor.

"Sure enough, it's impossible to get a bargain in the in-game store. Since the beginning of time, there hasn't been an in-game store that wasn't a rip-off!"

Ye Jun tossed away the idea of buying things in the store!

It was better to trade with other players. And if there were materials that he couldn't get, only then would he buy from the in-game store at a high price!

This was the case for Ye Jun, let alone the others!

Currently, most people only had a small number of copper coins from hunting wildlife. Many of them didn't even have a single copper coin inside their pockets.

A lot of people were posting on the channel cursing the in-game store for being too unscrupulous.

The voices that had previously called Ye Jun a black-hearted merchant gradually disappeared; at least, with Ye Jun, 1 cubic meter of wood could be exchanged for a catty of fish meat, which was not a bad option for those who did not have copper coins.

Ye Jun exited the mall and began preparing breakfast.

The tool used for cooking had been replaced with a washbowl-sized porcelain pot. The iron barrel was already rusty, so using it to cook food was not a long-term solution.

Before it was used in desperation, but now he had pots and pans—everything was available.

He cooked up breakfast with the leftover electric ray meat and a handful of vegetables and mushrooms.

It didn't take long for the soup to boil before Ye Jun put in some seasoning.

These seasonings were naturally bought from the in-game store. Although they were very expensive—a gram of salt cost 1 copper coin—it was hard for Ye Jun to swallow after eating tasteless fish for the past three days.

Soon, the soup was filled with a fresh aroma.

Drinking all of the pot of fish soup in one gulp, his mood could be described with one word—refreshing!

His days finally had flavor!

For the first time, Ye Jun thought the game was pretty good. It felt like he was on a bit of a trip into the wild.

At this moment, the raft suddenly shook violently!

Ye Jun's gaze swept up to a black object and his face couldn't help but turn pale!

Five or six black fins were breaking the surface of the water and were swimming around the raft continuously.


Sure enough, the game had been updated and now, the animals in the wild had started to actively attack players!

"Great White Shark: level 5!"

Ye Jun also saw the level of the shark and his face instantly darkened.

A single level five wild monster was more than he could handle right now, let alone a bunch of them.


Ye Jun gritted his teeth as a fist-sized fireball emerged from his palm and viciously smashed into one of the sharks.

The fireball that had risen to level two was already the size of a fist. Its power was now unparalleled, as it blasted one of the shark's fins and instantly exploded it, blowing it to a bloody pulp.

Its power was comparable to fireworks!

However, it was impressive-looking but ultimately useless. It didn't do much damage to the shark at all. The sparks just fell into the sea and quickly died out.

The use of fire magic at sea was obviously much less effective.

The great white shark, clearly enraged, frantically began to ram the raft.

If Ye Jun hadn't reinforced the raft several times in the past few days and expanded it to over 30 square meters, it probably would have been knocked over.

Nevertheless, if this continued, it definitely wouldn't last long!

'What to do?'

Ye Jun suddenly thought of an idea!


With a wave of Ye Jun's hand, the doll immediately jumped into the water and swam desperately towards the bottom of the sea.

The great white sharks saw a seal-like shadow fall into the water and chased after it.

Only the wounded great white shark was left, dead set on Ye Jun, the enemy, so instead of leaving, it attacked the raft with increasing ferocity.


A bloody maw came down, shredding a corner of the raft.

The whole raft shook violently in the sea, rocking constantly as if it would fall apart at any moment.

Ye Jun could feel that the doll had lured the other sharks to the bottom of the sea. Even then it was unknown as to how long it would last before being torn apart by the sharks.

There wasn't much time left for Ye Jun!

"You're the only guy left. If you want to die, I'll make it happen."

"Purchased bow and arrow, minus 800 copper coins!"

"Purchased fishing net x 5, minus 2500 copper coins!"

"Purchased spear (bronze), minus 2000 copper coins!"

Instantly, a bunch of weapons appeared on the raft!


The great white shark took another bite at the end of the raft.

Ye Jun didn't hesitate now as he mounted an arrow and drew the bow to a crescent moon shape before firing an arrow directly into the shark's maw!


The shark was in pain and struggled frantically.

Ye Jun was prepared for this. A fishing net came down on it.

In a flash, the shark swung its tail and tore the net apart.

Ye Jun had expected this, so he bought five fishing nets and cast them one after another.

Soon, the great white shark's fins, tail, maw, and head were all enveloped in fishing nets, making it difficult for it to exert force.

Now, the great white shark was panicking. As one of the ocean's overlords, this was the first time it had encountered a situation where it couldn't exert its strength.

The great white shark struggled and rolled around in the sea, but the fishing net became more and more tightly wound around its body.

The nets were torn up quite a bit. After all, trying to trap a great white shark with a few nets was nearly impossible!

Ye Jun didn't put all his hopes on the fishing nets either.

The task of these nets was just to entangle the great white shark for a while. Especially with its maws being caught in the net, the great white shark had lost its greatest weapon.

Ye Jun took a flying leap—his physical abilities today were no worse than the world's top athletes, if not better.

He jumped straight onto the back of the great white shark.

The bronze spear in his hand viciously stabbed towards the great white shark's head!


Like piercing a thick layer of cowhide, blood jetted out.

The great white shark was in pain, and it struggled more and more furiously, tumbling and rolling to throw Ye Jun off.

Ye Jun held onto the spear with a death grip, and the silver lightning gloves on his hand emitted a sliver of electricity.


A roasted meat-like aroma came from the great white shark's wound. The powerful electric current electrocuted the great white shark to the point that it kept twitching.


Seizing the opportunity, Ye Jun pulled out his bronze spear and stabbed down viciously towards the wound again.

This time, it directly pierced the skull of the great white shark!

The great white shark lost its power completely before it sank towards the bottom of the sea.

"Killed great white shark (level 5), obtained Shark Armor (bronze), + 5000 copper coins. + 200 EXP, +1 Hunter Level."