The Title of Forger

A level one Palm Thunder wasn't very powerful, but it was much stronger than a level one Fireball.

It should be known that the lightning spells were rightly regarded as the most destructive type of spells.

Ye Jun was delighted, surprised by the power of the Palm Thunder.

This level one Palm Thunder was at least a few dozen volts, and it was already enough to stun a fish. If it went up to level two, three, or even higher, then wouldn't it be possible to kill a large area of fish?

Ye Jun remembered the scene of electrofishing back in his hometown when he was a child. Wherever the fishing boat passed, a dense layer of fish would float up to the surface.

By then it wouldn't be killing monsters anymore, but farming monsters.

Plus, he was glad to have found a way to upgrade his lightning ability, otherwise, he might need to get a kite to attract lightning.

Ye Jun picked up a few fish floating on the surface of the sea. The fish were small but they were still meat.

The fish didn't add up to a catty so not even a single copper coin popped out.

Ye Jun simply treated them as bait and hung them on the magical fishing rod to fish.

Within minutes, three aggressive groupers were caught.

These three groupers: the biggest one was about a meter long, and the smallest one was 60 to 70 centimeters long. Adding all of them together would weigh more than a hundred catties.

Three palm-sized small fish for more than a hundred catties of groupers was a great deal.

"Killed grouper (level 1), + 5 EXP, +80 copper coins."

"Killed grouper (level 1), + 5 EXP, +80 copper coins."

"Killed grouper (level 1), + 5 EXP, +50 copper coins."

The EXP wasn't much, but it was simply too easy for Ye Jun to farm monsters; it wouldn't take long to level up again.

While fishing, Ye Jun put up the fresh groupers on the trade channel.

On top of that, he also put up the nets that had been torn by the sharks for trade.

The nets were torn in several places, but they could still catch fish. They were a desperately needed treasure for many survivalists.

"Used fishing nets, torn in a few places from catching great white sharks, doesn't affect normal use, one net for 20 cubic meters of wood."

Once this message was sent, it immediately caused a stir.

Countless players sent out their exclamations.

"The big shot has killed a great white shark? Crap, the same great white shark that eats people one bite at a time in the movies?"

"Big shot, you're so awesome!"

"Bullsh*t. A great white shark weighs several tons. Furthermore, it's in the sea. It's much larger than lions and tigers. Is that even something humans can kill?"

"I see shark meat on Almighty Ye's trading information, so it's definitely true. I suspect Almighty Ye has a hack. Please tell me where you bought it, Almighty Ye?"

"Then it must be true. What level is a great white shark? What level is Almighty Ye now? Can he break mountains and rivers and fly through the air yet?"

Some people also complained.

"Almighty Ye, you are so impressive, and you have so much food. Can you give me some—I'm starving to death!"

"Yeah, Almighty Ye, your food prices are too expensive, a catty of fish costs a cubic meter of wood. My mom makes all my meals and my parents do all the farm work at home. I've never cut wood. It's too hard to cut wood!"

"I've been hungry for three days. I'm dying, Almighty Ye save me!"

"The one surnamed Ye, you have so much food, you should donate it to everyone—saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-level pagoda. You are too selfish!"

"That's right. If I had more food than I could eat, I would have taken it out and shared it with everyone. It's a disaster for all mankind now, we should all share delights and hardships!"

For such moral whores, Ye Jun didn't bother paying them any attention.

It was only the fourth day yet the man had been hungry for three days, indicating that the man had eaten all of his food and water on the first day.

This was the kind of person who just lazed around at home and not do any work, but when things went wrong, all they knew was how to do was complain. It had never occurred to them to just get their own food.

Ye Jun didn't think his food was expensive at all. It was just chopping wood and collecting firewood. And if they weren't even willing to do such a meager amount of work, then they deserved to die of hunger.

Such people didn't deserve the slightest sympathy.

In this era of unprecedented change, it was useless to rely on anyone but oneself.

There were so many people in the world, so what could Ye Jun do with a few hundred catties of fish meat. It was useless unless he drained the entire ocean!

Even if he drained the ocean, these people would be eliminated sooner or later if they didn't work hard on their own.

These were no longer the days when food and clothing were readily available.

If they wanted to live, they would have to be like Ye Jun and work hard with their own hands.

People who were truly trying to survive would never waste their time going to the channel and chatting.

Just like times past, the chat dabblers were always the ones who mucked around.

At this moment, Ye Jun was building a shade on the raft.

It was because he noticed that the sunlight overhead was growing hotter and hotter.

The direction the raft was drifting seemed to be approaching the equator.

It was now summer, and in the afternoons, temperatures rose, making it easy to get heatstroke in the blistering sun.

Now, Ye Jun's raft was about seventy to eighty square meters in area, which was more than enough to build a small house on it.

But due to his worries of the stability of the raft, Ye Jun had just decided to build a small wooden hut of five or six square meters on the raft.

Thereafter, Ye Jun put the more important supplies such as food, water, the bronze dagger, the bronze spear, and other equipment inside the wooden hut.

This way, even if he got attacked by a shark again, he wouldn't have to worry about his supplies falling into the sea.

After he was done, Ye Jun turned his attention to the metal ores.

These metal ores weren't light so they had to be refined as soon as possible.

It just so happened that there was now a usable crucible. Plus, he had no shortage of wood.

Time to work!

Ye Jun rearranged the fireplace and took out the strange fire coral.

To his surprise, he found that a thumb-sized orb had grown out of the Strange Fire Coral.

"Ding! Beginner Fire Energy Bead found, would you like to collect it?"

Ye Jun had also thrown this Strange Fire Coral inside the fireplace and let it absorb the flames—never bothering about it. But he had never expected that it would produce a Fire Energy Bead.

This Fire Energy Bead was equivalent to those Fire Coral Essences he had gathered earlier. It was capable of boosting Fire Energy!


"Collected successfully!"

"Fire Energy Bead (Beginner), consume to boost Fire Energy by 10 points."

Ye Jun swallowed it in one gulp without hesitation.

A warm sensation started to spread through his belly.

"Fire Energy Level: 2 (160/300)"

If he could condense a Fire Energy Bead every day, Ye Jun's Fire Energy cultivation speed would practically double.

With this method, it would take him less than a few days to level up to a level 3 Fire Mage.

After that slight intermission, Ye Jun began refining the metal ores.

The fireplace had been expanded. It was now more than three times larger than before, making it over a meter tall.

Ye Jun placed the crucible on top of it and added wood underneath.

The wood was cut by Yang Tianxing and his squad. It was northern pine wood—a wood that was rich in oil. Perfect for burning.

Soon, a roaring fire burned the crucible red.

Ye Jun put the metal ore in.

After an hour or so, the metal ore began to melt and the metal substance inside separated itself from the slag.

"Successfully refined copper ore, +1 Copper Ingot."

"Congratulations on being the first player to refine metal ore, gaining the title of Beginner Forger, reward: Bronze-grade Forging Hammer (upgradeable) +10% to the quality of forged items, +50 Strength, +10 Endurance."

The world announcement floated by, and players all over the world were dumbfounded when they saw it.

'We're still worried about food, and you're already on the path to technology?'