The Water Avoidance Pearl

It was a pearl the size of a baby's fist.

What was amazing was that half of it was blue with a pure liquid flowing in it, while the other half was stone.

The entire pearl was whole, like it was naturally formed, and not embedded.

Ye Jun was curious whether it was amber. However, amber didn't come in blue.

"Flood Dragon Pearl (damaged) found!"

A Flood Dragon Pearl?'

Ye Jun was surprised.

He checked its properties.

"Flood Dragon Pearl: an ancient Flood Dragon Pearl left behind after its death. Because of its age, impure energy has been produced which has petrified it. If you can find the blood of the flood dragon, you can reactivate the dragon pearl, and after consuming it, there is a certain probability to activate a Dragon Bloodline. Functions: helps avoid water and wearing it helps cultivate water spells!"

There was such a creature as a Flood Dragon?

But, with the world gamified, it wasn't surprising for things in fantasies to appear.

It was just that such an ancient creature as a Flood Dragon was probably long extinct on Bluestar, or else it would've been seen on a dinner table.

Where could he find the blood of a Flood Dragon?

Although it was said that this thing helped in the cultivation of water spells, Ye Jun didn't know any water spells and he didn't even have an affinity for the water element.

That left it with only one use: water avoidance!

'Why not give it a try?'

Ye Jun was good with water. His hometown was known for fishing, and he had grown up playing in rivers, but he never swam in the sea before. Besides, the more people knew about water, the more they respected it. They wouldn't go down in unfamiliar waters.

Facing the vast sea, Ye Jun had a sense of awe, so after drifting for so long, he had never gone down into the sea.

No one in their right mind would go down into the sea!

But now it was time to give it a try…

He had to go in there sooner or later.

Ye Jun found a rope, tied one end to the side of the ship, and threw the other end into the sea.

It would be hilarious if he couldn't come back up after going down.

Ye Jun held the Flood Dragon Pearl, looked at the rope, and finally took a leap into the air.

Two and a half backward somersaults later…


A perfect cannonball!

Soon, Ye Jun popped his head up on the surface of the water.

Having been adrift for half a month at sea, it was the first time he was in the sea.

Sea water poured over his face, and it tasted salty.

A taste of the sea, at last!

The icy coolness instantly washed away the hot sun, causing Ye Jun to wince.

Soon, however, a faint blue light bloomed from the Flood Dragon Pearl in Ye Jun's hand, forming a blue film around Ye Jun.

The sea water was separated by a blue film. Ye Jun reached out and poked at it.

Surprisingly, his fingers easily touched his body and the blue film blended with him, stopping the sea water from getting in at all.


Ye Jun tried to dive into the sea and swim.

The film didn't disappear as it changed like water ripples following Ye Jun's movements, covering three inches outside of Ye Jun's body while not affecting his movements but also keeping the seawater out.

Most importantly, it didn't affect his breathing!

There was oxygen in the water too!

This film probably absorbed the oxygen inside the water and supplied it for Ye Jun to breathe.

Ye Jun looked surprised.

With this in hand, Ye Jun never had to worry about capsizing!

Even if he got caught in a big storm and fell into the sea, at least he wouldn't drown.

In the sea, the greatest danger was water. And with the Water Avoidance Pearl, this greatest threat was gone!

Ye Jun couldn't help but cheer and tumble in the sea.

On the deck, Nine Thousand Years Old couldn't help but jump down in excitement as it watched its master's excited appearance, fluttering its four little short legs and swimming around next to Ye Jun.

"Not bad, not bad! Little fellow, you've done well!"

This guy was a treasure hunting turtle!

Not only did it find gold and magnets for Ye Jun, but it also found the Water Avoidance Pearl.

It didn't eat much but did a lot of work! It was simply an exemplary employee!

The turtle didn't eat grass, and not only could it run, it could hunt for treasures everywhere.

It only consumed three pieces of pet rations for every hundred kilometers.

Capitalists would be moved to tears.

The great white shark at the stern of the boat watched its enemy "fall" into the sea, and with a vicious and bloodthirsty gleam in its eyes, it sank slightly into the sea, trying to launch a sneak attack.

In the end, the electric ray whipped it with its tail.


Electricity flashed as the great white shark flopped onto its belly and twitched on the surface of the water.

"This big silly guy, all day long, causing a ruckus and showing its teeth trying to scare who exactly? I'll electrocute you to death…."

The electric ray wagged its head and tail at Ye Jun as if it was a dog.

This bolt of electricity woke Ye Jun up from his excitement as well.

From quite a distance, he felt a tingle, not to mention Nine Thousand Years Old, with its tiny physique, it almost rolled its eyes.

'Oh no…'

Ye Jun jumped in shock and hurriedly grabbed its little tail to lift it out of the water.

He was slightly relieved to see that its four little short legs were still flopping around in the air.

'Good gracious, you almost died there!'

The little turtle rolled its eyes as if to say, 'Good turtles don't live long…'

Ye Jun hurriedly climbed up onto the deck with Nine Thousand Years Old in tow.

It took a long time for the Nine Thousand Years Old to recover. It waddled to the stern of the ship, whimpering at the electric ray as if to show that it was fierce and not to be bullied!

"Well, what are you doing arguing with that silly dog!"

Ye Jun stroked its small dark head and laughed. "Tomorrow, I'll give you a Bloodline Fruit. If you turn into a Boss and grow up faster, you won't have to fear it!"

Nine Thousand Years Old didn't understand what a Bloodline Fruit was, but when it came to eating, it understood.

The little fellow took off on its short legs, and like a breeze of wind, it ran merrily to the cabin.

When Ye Jun went in, he saw that the little fellow was going around the pet rations, but unfortunately the mouth of the jar was sealed, so the little guy could only look at it, while anxiously rubbing its claws together.

The little fellow didn't even like fish, and yet it was so excited for pet rations, a hilarious sight.

But it was a testament to the appeal of pet rations to pets, whether it be the electric ray or Nine Thousand Years Old.

As expected of something essential for the homes of Pet Aliens.

To Ye Jun's surprise, after eating one piece of the pet ration, Nine Thousand Years Old ran out with the second piece in its mouth.

'What does this guy want to do?'

Ye Jun followed the little fellow curiously.

He was surprised to find that Nine Thousand Years Old had come to the stern with a pet ration in its mouth and was shouting at the electric ray.

'Good lord, it came here to show off!'

'The little guy is quite vindictive.'

The electric rays were stirred up by the unique scent of the pet rations, but unable to do anything about the small turtle on board, it discharged in a fit of anger.


The great white shark had just woken up before it started twitching and passed out again.

The little turtle took a few steps back in fear and patted its belly as if it had lingering fears.

Ye Jun flicked the little turtle's dark head in good humor and said, "You know you'll be scared and yet you still tease it? After offending this silly dog, you better be careful not to fall off the boat, or I won't be able to save you in time!"

He didn't expect that pet rations had become a resource that these two would fight over.

Ye Jun threw a pet ration to the electric ray, which finally calmed it down.

Unfortunately, there was only one can of this stuff. It seemed that in the future it would become the exclusive ration of Nine Thousand Years Old. As for the electric ray, now that he had a generator, he didn't need it to discharge electricity for him, so he was thinking of what other uses it could have… It couldn't just freeload!

After calming down the two little ones, Ye Jun began the day's forging.

The doll was still digging tirelessly, and if he didn't do some smelting, the ship wasn't going to be able to pack anymore ores.